Well, what’s on my mind today?
I have been in and out of this business several times, having started years ago when I went to work in a brothel. What an experience that was! When I worked there, I had several of the girls that worked there that questioned why I was working there. ‘She really isn’t anything special’, is what they told the house mom and the owner. Until they saw me walk out that night…..made up, hair done, magnetic smile, ready to mingle with the clients, and enjoy making friends with the other girls. Of course, they never said any of this to my face, until later. When they did tell me, I laughed and said to them, when I’m out of work, I am not in work mode. I like to go make-up less, comfy clothes (though still cute), and not nearly as flirty as I am when I’m working.
Not long ago I had a lady tell me something similar to what they did, and finished her sentiment off with…’you don’t belong in this business; you don’t like meeting randoms’. To that I say, you are correct. I don’t like meeting randoms. At least I don’t like them to stay randoms for long. I enjoy making a connection, on SOME front, with any gentleman that I choose to see in this ever-changing world of companionship. I choose to learn about who you are, and what makes you tick, what turns you on, what turns you off. In doing so, you get to learn those same things about me, as I hope you would like to. You aren’t the only one giving something, and neither am I. We know that we are entering into an unspoken volley of give and take. When you give to me, I give back tenfold. When I give to you, I hope that you do the same. I can say, if you don’t, we probably won’t spend much time together. I enjoy spending my time with someone that has a very clear understanding of what it takes to enter into companionship, and that we DO give a lot of ourselves in the process.
So, I am off to relax for my birthday weekend. I hope everyone has a grand time this weekend, and that you are taking full advantage of opportunities to meet lovely ladies!
Sending loads of love and kisses,